Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 1, 2011

Its July!!!! This is totally insane! Already the weeks are going by so fast and there have only been three of them! i can't even believe it. So, today was our friday, but some of the kids were already gone for the weekend since it is fourth of July and stuff, so we didn't really have that many kids. That plus the fact that we now have two more workers meant that it was pretty easy. It was colder again today which was a shame so for the second week in a row they had to cancel splash day for the kids. But I liked it because we got to watch a movie instead. They were watching Sooby Doo and the lightening and thunder started. It was like coming down hard. The lightening was so bright that at first we thought it was a camera flash, and the thunder literally shook the entire building. it was insane to say the least. But then Miss Corie let us go early at like two thirty or so, which was so nice since we had to arrive early and stay late for the field trip the day before. I was so glad to get home early and get everything I needed to get done before leaving that night for Paris. Although a little sad that I didnt' get to see the end of Scooby Doo. I had completely forgotten about that movie and not seen it in forever. I didn't know that Isla Fischer as a blonde was Shagie's girlfriend or whatever. Learn something new everyday. Later that night around like seven thirty or so, the guys, Eric and Mike, met up with us on Kelly and we walked over to the Irish Pub to get a drink and some fries. They have these wedges there that are with sour cream and they are probably the most amazing wedges I have eaten in my entire life, and this is me definitely not exaggerating. Like WOW! Emily and I had a lot of fun with them just talking and stuff, and then we were both in for the night at like nine thirty or so, so that was great. Off to bed now, Paris Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my life!

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