Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 11, 2011

So today was the first day back since the weekend. I was having trouble sleeping on Sunday night, and for some reason I was just not feeling so good. Because of that, I was just grumpy and not doing too good. I slept for maybe thirty minutes (when I had had plenty of time to get sleep, probably nine hours and was excited to catch up) and then I woke up and was having a ton of trouble actually getting back to sleep. My wrists were hurting really really bad. And then after having some personal issues, I couldn't get back to sleep until like three thirty am. And I got up at six thirty. All that being said, I was definitely very very tired. I got on the bus and instead of reading a book like normal, I slept. And then I felt sick to my stomach all morning. Either from being so tired or because there is some sort of sickness going around amongst the camp A staff. I threw up like three times right before camp. I probably should have gone home, but it wasn't like I was actually like dying sick. I just wasn't doing good. So I ate lunch right after that, and then I was more ok. On my actual lunch break, not the kids break, I took an hour nap. That was the best possible thing that could have happened. Also, one of the girls noticed that I wasn't doing so good, Z'kiah. She made me a card. On the front it says 'hope you feel better ms. Caryssa.' On the inside it says, 'I really hop that you get better Ms. Caryssa and you are so nice to everyone in sas. I hope you get better every day of your life. Love Z'kiah.' I teared up and wanted to start bawling. It was the sweetest thing. I was so glad that she did that. I felt like God was reaching out to me through her. The rest of the day was just kind of normal. After work, Mike had Ms. Emily and I over for dinner, which was really nice. We went to the Patch Commissary and got stuff to make pizza, cinnamon rolls, rootbeer, and ice cream. In all it was pretty much an awesome night. I was able to get my mind off of things, and both Mike and Emily are very humorous, so I laughed a lot. We decided that we are going to make this a weekly thing. And... Mr. Eric should be coming back from his trip soon, so he will be able to join us next time yay! I need to get to bed, so til tomorrow.

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