Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 5, 2011

So, today was the first day back from Paris! I should say that I am missing that amazing city quite immensely. There were not many kids, because a lot of them were still gone for the fourth of july weekend. So in all, things were pretty chill. The day was ok, and the kids were just average and stuff. We went on this awful nature walk where I spent like 90 % of the time checking my legs to make sure I wasn't getting a tick or anything. Rebecca got two when she hiked to the castle in Stuttgart that Brigette, Molly, and I just took the bus to. They were little tiny like nasty ones that you could barely see, and they had huge red bumps around them. I don't want lime disease or anything so I was being really really careful. At the end of the day, we played the game Honey if You Love me with the kids. I used to play this all the time when I was little, and it always worked out really well. If you don't remember, it is when the person in the middle is it and says to the people sitting in the circle, "honey if you love me will you please smile" and the person they say this to says back "honey I love you but I just can't smile," without smiling. Braden used to rock at this game and he would make all sorts of weird like turns and accents to get people to smile I remember. So anyways, we are playing this with the kids and it was super fun for like half an hour. And then it just got really weird and the kids were like being inappropriate. And these are little kids. Maybe it is the television or something, but it just got odd and we had to stop playing. Franci said something like, "baby come here and I'll make you hurt so good" or something like that. Mr. Mike and I turned to him with our jaws dropped. I was like, "Franci, did you hear that somewhere or did you just make that up." all confused, he was like "I heard it somewhere." of course he didn't know what it meant and that it had bad connotations. Heck, he doesn't even know what connotations means. We were like, please please don't ever say that again, it is not good. And then Destiny was just like making all these weird shimmys and saying like come on baby. It was actually really creepy. Then we were like, ok break. done done done. Oh these kids. The kids, well the girls who are all absolutely in love with Mr. Mike and think he is like some kind of greek god or something (which is quite adorable), think that Mr. Mike and I would be a perfect couple, and that Ms. Emily and Mr. Eric (who is gone this week) would be a perfect couple. They like won't lay off about it too. We have to keep reminding them that we both have boyfriends, and so does Mr. Eric. I don't think Mike does, he hasn't said anything, but still. 3 out of 4 being already taken isn't making their matchmaking work out too well. Oh my gosh. you will never believe what happened. There was this new kids today named Elijah, and he looked really familiar. I just chalked it up to seeing him around base or something. And then his mom came to get him at the end of the day, and she looked super familiar. Then she came over to Elijah and was like, we have to go pick up Liem. I was like no way, "Roy?" and she turned around and screamed Caryssa! Danette and Kristopher Roy are a couple at my church in Spokane that I babysat for like 4 or 5 years ago when Elijah was about like 3 or something, and Liem was a tiny baby. They just moved here three weeks ago. I completely forgot that he was even in the military. Such a small world. I hope getting together with them for dinner or something works out, it would be nice to catch up. Til Tomorrow!

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