Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011 was basically the exact opposite of yesterday to say the least. The kids were monsters. I mean CRAZYYYYYYYY. But we went of a field trip to Sensapolis, which is a HUGE indoor play place, kind of like Funpark, but way bigger. So I thought, this will be way more fun! Not really. There were some cool slides to be sure. This one was like five stories and went straight down. You are supposed to have your hands crossed across your chest, but this one girl, Z'kiah of course, didn't and she had burns on her arms from where it touched the slide. Yeesh. But this one slide in the middle I thought was going to be slow like shot around a corner and flung me off the end of the padded landing. I screamed bloody murder on the way down and thought I was going to die. OMG. I was done after that lol. Blitz off was disappointing because the cd kept skipping. Which is sad because the dance for it is soooo darn cute. And basically no matter what we did we would look better than Kelly day camp lol. They don't do that much. So it was a bummer, but I think we are doing it for the center tomorrow. Cream the counselor is tomorrow....have to remember to bring everything. Ok. So after work, Anaja's mom and she adopted Emily and I to go to dinner at a Greek restaurant. Yay! Except....duh duh dun! Autumn the evil mouse girl's mom did not come to pick her up because she was stuck in traffic so guess who got to go with us. Emily and I were thinking, you have got to be kidding me. It cannot be possible that we seriously have THIS bad of luck. But sadly it was entirely true. We did have that bad of luck. boo! And so alas we were stuck at dinner with this odd little girl who is extremely rude, makes blatantly obvious statements and does baby talk....for hours. Luckily we came to realize that Anaja's mom did not really care for Autumn either. Autumn would say something, and Anaja's mom would make a very sarcastic comment back that went over her head. Emily and I looked at eachother a lot. This lady said everything we were thinking and sometimes did say at the center. Autumn wanted me to go moniter her outside so she could play tag....while we were all eating dinner. Gosh. I was like, I'm not your babysitter Autumn. And we are all eating. And she would interrupt whenever anyone talked with stupid random comments like "look I can cross my eyes". What are you talking about crazy child! She is one of my two least favorites at camp for sure. Her voice is as bad as nails on a chalkboard to me. grrrrrr. Oh well. It gave Emily and I quite a few more inside jokes. Greek food isn't my favorite I discovered. At all. But Greek dessert wasn't bad I will say,. Night!

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