Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 26, 2011

So, there were only about 20 kids again, but they were monsters! I have no idea what has been going on with them this week, but it has been crazy. lol. We only got 1/2 hour lunch breaks today, which kind of sucked because I am way behind on reading my book. My reading has slowed down a lot in the last two weeks because I have been a lot busier. But regardless, it was a pretty good day. The highlight was probably taking a mini field trip to the PX. We walked there and they gave us pizza while we listened to a presentation on theft. Who knew that would be a problem on a military base. I guess alot of it is like the teens and stuff though. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever that there were cameras all over the PX. lol. it was cute. I thought it was soo cool that I got a free slice of pizza. woo! Especially since it was pizza hut and that is my favorite. The low point of the day was probably doing cooking club. Which sounds fun in itself, but it in reality was certainly not. It was like.....not cooking. It was a lesson about fad diets. What kind of child care worker thought that this was a good idea. The children were whining, why aren't we done yet...this is so boring...and Ms. Emily and I were like, we know, lets just get through it fast so that we can do something else! Gr. Of course it was Ms. B who came up with this lesson. I don't know why we can't just do more of our own. Oh well. After work, Emily and I went to the PX to buy food for the welcome dinner for the camp A people that are coming tomorrow. It was a lot of food. I hope that everyone pays me back because I put a lot of my own money into this. If not, I'm sure that Sam will. Then Mr. Mike picked us up and took us to his house to hang out. We made pasta and rice crispy treats and ate outside. Then we watched a movie called Red Baron and just talked. it was a movie about planes. i'm not quite sure what went on because we were talking and I fell asleep lol. But it seemed like it would be good. Overall, pretty good day.

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