Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14, 2011

Woo! Another field trip day down and conquered! So... We went to FunPark, since Trampoline land was burned to the ground. But there were still trampolines, yay! But......FunPark wasn't actually that fun at all. Well it for sure was, for maybe like half an hour....and then not so much. It was a lot like a little bit smaller of a kids play. (You spokane people know what that is..) Or maybe it is just that kids play looked a lot bigger when I was really small lol. But the kids were just having a blast and playing and everything. The funnest parts for me were the double slide, which was two yellow slides right next to eachother, and I went so fast down it I got air over the bumps. The trampolines were also quite awesome. They were way way way springy, and there were ten of them all together. That was crazy fun. i had forgotten how much fun those were. It hurt my back after a while while jumping though lol. I guess I'm getting too old for that sort of thing. I had to warn Emily and Mike, who are both 19, that they would probably have as many issues as me when they got to be over the hill as well. lol. The trampoline watching position was definitely the best too because you could jump sometimes and then just sit and talk until telling the kids to switch after five minutes. (only one kid was allowed on each trampoline at a time) So I spent quite a bit of the day there. After like an hour and a half of crawling through the different levels of the indoor play place, I remembered how big and old I am ha ha. I felt like I had been running for miles and miles. And it sure is a lot harder to fit up into those things when you are really big I will say for the record. There were quite a few injuries that occurred. Mostly it was just like a hit face or hurt ankle that a kid cried about for like five minutes, and then was fine after a while. But this one girl from the SAC program on the Kelly base, she was like running on the play place and then ran into a girl. She then lost her balance and went backwards, and this hanging ball thing smashed into her face. So all I see is this sobbing little girl coming down the slanted plush ladder of the play place holding her mouth and crying. When I asked her what happened, she then held out her hand and there was this tooth in it. OMG! That would suck so much! And it was an adult tooth as of her two front teeth! Sucks so bad. I hope they were able to like keep it and put it back in or something. I will have to find out and keep you posted. The day went by super slow though altogether. Like....the whole day felt like it had gone by and it was not even lunch time yet. So darn slow. All of us were like at first....This is so cool! and then were like.......This was entertaining for one hour, this sucks hard core! But at least the kids were having fun. I was so tired that by the end of the day I was passing out on the bus ride home. And I have been so good about not sleeping on them too. And even Emily fell asleep. I literally like couldn't focus because my eyes were so blurry and stuff. When we got back we did closing, and the kids weren't that excited. They were actually pretty rude to me, so I had a super not fun chat with three of them afterwards. Jalen cried. He is like the big tough guy. But its not like I was yelling at them by any means. I told them that they had hurt my feelings by being disrespectful during closing. I told them that closing was Ms. Emily and my favorite part of the day. We were respectful during their favorite parts of the day to them, so we would want them to be respectful during their favorite parts of the day to us. Jalen doesn't really get in trouble though, so i think he was really embarrassed that he had gotten in trouble, especially since he was pulled out from the group during closing. I felt horrible that he was crying afterwards, but when I looked back at it I really wasn't even like a little harsh in a way that could have invoked that kind of response. Emily and Mike agreed when we talked later. The only explanation could have been embarrassment that I can think of. Tomorrow we are doing cream the counselor! Shaving cream, not whipped cream, so I don't smell rotting milk for days. It is the most unpleasant thing in the world lol. And.....tomorrow night I leave for SWITZERLAND!!!!!!!! Canyoning, Hiking, Swimming, and everything else possibly awesome, here I come!!!!!!!!

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