Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011

Can't believe it is like the middle of July. Time is moving so fast! So today was a really cold and pretty rainy day, so I wore long sleeves all day long. It wasn't that bad though. I really am not sure what all went on all day. Days are starting to blur together lol, so its a good thing I keep this blog so I can keep everything straight even for myself lol. Probably my favorite part of the day was making props for blitz off. I feel like every week is consumed with blitz off, and I wish we just didn't have it, but have to make the best of it. Actually, take that back. I do wish we had it, I just wish we did camp songs and skits like they used to do. But anyways, the song this week is We Built this City. And we painted this massive mural of a city (that Emily designed of course) and today the kids make guitars. It was super cute. Shoot. Just remembered I never cut them out today. Darnit! I am going to have to spend all morning finishing these stupid guitars! At least they look really cool. Especially mine :). And then we did normal stuff all day like crafts and games, etc. I took a nap on my lunch break and when I woke up I was more tired. Probably won't do that again. lol. After work today, I went with Emily, Mary Beth, and some other people over to Patch to watch the Semi Finals of the women's world cup with USA versus France. USA WON! I didn't see the end cuz I caught the bus, but we beat them 3 to 1 yeah! How exciting. Well, field trip day tomorrow. I am not sure what we are doing. The schedule says Trampoline land....but I found out from the kids today that Trampoline land burned down..... Just picture my shocked face. And crushed dreams.... ok i'm kidding on that part. But I have no idea where we are going tomorrow now. I guess we will see. Until tomorrow!

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