Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8, 2011

Today was a day that made me glad it was Friday lol. But I seem to remember our shorter week after fourth of July in Atsugi being an unusually long one as well. I wonder why that is. I am exhausted to say the least. I'm not sure why. I got nine hours of sleep. I guess it might just be all the travel and work and everything. Each year is making me older and needing more sleep. i've got to snap out of this so I don't turn into an old person. Well, The first half of the day I just wanted to go home. Not like home to the hotel, but home home. I miss my family, Dillon, friends, especially Danilee. I don't know why I am so homesick this time around. I guess if you think about it though, over winter break this would have been it and I'd be on my way home tomorrow. And last summer, I didn't have as much to come back to in my mind I guess. Camp Adventure had kind of been my escape, and I had needed the kids to help mend my broken heart. But this summer I don't have that need for them. I mean, I absolutely love them and enjoy spending time with the kids, but it isn't what is holding me together, and I'm much more capable of standing on my own this time. So anyways, maybe that's why I am a bit homesick. Regardless, the time before lunch was a struggle. A lot of it probably had to do also with the fact that we had a nature walk/savanger hunt this morning. Omg. The forest thing we went to was so gross and we were supposed to like look at leaves and bugs and crap. There was a slug no joke the size of the palm of my hand,and then the spiders were all over the ground. I just felt all crawly after that and wanted to leave, alas the activity continued for like a stinking hour and a half sigh. I was just not in the best of moods. Which was not made any better by the fact that Emily came back early from lunch, and I ended up going on lunch right as the kids were getting theirs, which was spaghetti and meatballs, and garlic bread and smelled soooo good. I was kind of pissed that that happened, which wasn't really even Emily's fault, because she came back to what should have been like 20 minutes into the kid's lunch, and ended up being the beginning because they were so late getting it out. The rules are so dumb compared to last year that Corie is so strict about the food stuff and it being "government property" even though all the uneaten stuff just gets thrown away. So when Corie left for a little bit I got back from my break I went and got food, since the kids had already had thirds and there were mounds left. i'm so glad I did because it made me feel a lot better, and the meatballs were actually good. It was probably also good to get protein from the meat. So after I ate, the kids hung out for a bit and then we did splash day, for the first time since being with the kids, since the weather was actually pretty nice outside. The kids were like nuts about it. Only a few didn't want to go out. Of course they sent all of us younger ones, Mike, Emily, and I outside, while they stayed in, but w/e lol. It was nice to be out in the sun even though I don't particularly like being wet. So we were water fighting with the kids and I snuck up and dumped a bucket of water over all of them while Mike distracted them. I ran back to the "safe zone" (the pavement on the side of the grass area), and then they were all waiting for me, like a massive line of little evil children. They were waiting with loaded water guns, just waiting for me to make a wrong move and step off the safe zone. I couldn't move anywhere! So Emily, Mike, and I sprinted to the other side of the field. I was soaked to the bone by the time I reached the fence. of course I forgot flip flops so I was barefoot. And no towel, but at least the sun was out so I could dry. I was over splash day in like 30 minutes though and it was scheduled for like two hours. I was like ugh. This sucks! Why can't there be no kids like last friday since I put in a 11 hour day yesterday! Then I could be let off early. But whatever. Maybe that's another reason I wasn't in the best of moods in the early morning. Yesterday sure was a loooong day. So after a while I just sat out in the sun and watched the rest of spalsh day. The rest of the day at least went by faster, since we had some awesome lemon bar things for snack and then just played outside. So despite the kids that are a complete pain...cough Josh (who lacks respect for female authority figures. He literally like screams at me sometimes. At least Mike is like uber the macho type who hates the not respecting women thing and goes and puts this kid in his place. And Ms. Corie is definitely not past dealing with him either. I just can't really stand him.) and Destiny (who screams about everything and has a horrible/ creepy attitude) and Angel (who still claims its ok to pout and whine since she still looks little. What in the world does her no older than 20 year old mother tell this kid.).....yes, despite all of this, today was pretty ok. Oh, and Mike saved me some BBQ chips for the bus ride. Yay chips. Munich tomorrow yay! Heidelberg Sunday yay!

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