Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7, 2011

Today was our LEGOLAND field trip. I will say that it was pretty much amazing, and I loved it tons and tons. Legoland is definitely really cool. It had sculptures made out of legos absolutely everywhere! Which I guess isn't really that surprising since it is called.....legoland! Alright, so I got there this morning at seven and we left around eight thirty. It was super hard to stay awake during the bus ride for some reason this weekend. I am not sure why, that's just the way it was. And then we finally get there yay! It is super rainy in Stuttgart today, but it was super sunny in wherever legoland is (about an hour and a half away). I was in a group with Mr. Mike (yay!) and we had awesome kids, like Z'kiah, Autumn M., Kiara, Jaylen, Anaja (pronounced anasha), Gabby, Juan, Sebastian, Ian, Logan, and Bryce. It was a really fun group, and they are mostly the older kids so they wanted to go on all the rides. Plus Mr. Mike and I get along really well, so it was a pretty good time. We went on this bionicle ride, where you like put in what you want it to do while you're sitting in this arm thing and it does it. Well, I had my nametag on, my walkie talkie attached to my nametag, and my watch also(which Mike convinced me to put on there since I was joking about my awful watch tan line). So.....forgot to take it off on the ride, and it like flies off around my neck when this thing flips me upside down. It felt like slow motion, because I could feel it coming off and I tried to grab it, but then right as I reached for it, the stupid thing slipped out of my grasp. Kind of dramatic, but it actually happened like that. I was like crap! The center's walkie and my watch! I have another nametag, but I need those! So Mike, who conveniently speaks German and like three other languages, asked the lady working the machine what we should do. She said we could file a missing thing and probably get it by the end of the day. We were like, uh that isn't going to work so...., Mike talked to the photo booth guy, and he told us he could get it in like 10 minutes. Good. That was a much more reasonable time. Then I realized that I forgot my backpack on the previous ride. So I took the kids to some lego making video while Mike went and got the backpack and then we all went to get the walkie talkie/nametag/watch combo. All was fine, except I lost the waterproof top to my watch, but hey at least it still works lol. It was a great day overall, and the kids were really sad to see the day end as was I. Although we hit traffic on the way home so we didn't get there til like 6, and we almost missed the bus to take us to the hotel. At least it worked out. I'm exhausted after a 11 hour day though (although I got some reading done on the bus) and I'm off to bed!

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