Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011.

I can't believe that one month ago from today is the day that my plane landed in Germany! Crazy crazy. It has gone by really fast at some times and really slow at others. I am hoping that I have made it over the biggest hump and that the rest of it is just going to be smooth sailing. Of course if my moods would stabilize this would be alot easier. As I am writing this, I'm watching the latest shrek on TV. Its way cuter than I thought it would be. Anyways, getting to today. After much more sleep last night I am feeling way way better. This is good because now I can function like a normal person. The entire day was awesome, and it turned out really really well. I am glad that I was able to have a great day. Aiden showed up today and his hair was a curly mess. It was nuts. So darn cute. During PT this morning we did yoga and did relaxation. it was great. I was able to basically fall asleep and relax a lot of my muscles and stuff. I have been so sore since being here. I think all the travel and stuff is wearing on me. It is crazy. I will need a major massage or something when I get back. lol. The rest of the day was fun too. We did splash day today, since it was supposed to be the hottest day of the week. It was nice because it actually was really hot and we didn't have to worry about the kids complaining on friday if it got canceled due to weather. That's about all I can think of about my day, except that the stupid bus took two hours to go home. I can't believe that it took so long to get home. I was so bored. But at least I had my book to read. That was really really nice. Two hours! I have never seen traffic that bad in my ENTIRE life!

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