Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6, 2011

So today was quite a day. I think that my kids are going insane. Everyone was back from vacation, so we had a full group again. Yeah...... (can't you feel my enthusiasm). The day didn't start too well either because I like woke up at four am and was having massive troubles trying to get back to sleep. I hope that doesn't happen tonight since we have the field trip tomorrow. Anyways, so that was my morning. And then during the day the kids were just not listening and being rude and stuff. And Ms. B was kind of being a B word (which is kind of ironic isn't it, since it is in her name) and kind of just bringing down the energy in the room. You know how its always just one negative person that tens to cause negativity to spread quickly and it is always hard to be the opposing force to that. Oddly enough even with all that is going on, I tend to be quite positive at camp, even though most of the time it is more wearing on me than school. And everyone knows I have my share of struggles with being positive about my school workload. But regardless. That was just not very fun to be around, especially when I was so tired. And the art project ugh. I wanted to like rip paper and light the building on fire after the art project. It was just so awful. I got put in charge of this sun catcher mobile thing, which is like, you sharpen crayons with a pencil sharpener, and then put the shavings between two sheets of wax paper, iron it so it melts, and then cut out circles, and make a mobile. Oh my gosh. Every single step of the entire project went so incredibly wrong. Like I don't even know how this was managed. First of all, shaving the stupid things took forever. Like an hour. I don't know how the kids were actually doing it for that long. And then there was the melting. It melted fine, but there was like too much wax on one of them so when I lifted it this hot crayon wax dripped everywhere. And then proceeded to dry all to quickly. So as the kids were cleaning and cutting the circles out and making the mobile I was on the floor trying to scrape off wax as fast as I could before someone like Ms. B came over and like freaked out or something. After scraping and scraping for like almost an hour while the kids tried to finish it I managed to get most of it off with only a little bit of stain left on like the floor, the chairs, and the table. But as the kids are trying to cut circles out of this thing, it was like breaking, and just looked awful. Sigh. They thought the final result was amazing, even though I could have easily set it on fire and been content. The rest of the day was pretty ok. Half the kids were gone on a mini field trip to the Audi factory or something. Emily went on that one also, and i'm holding out for the chocolate factory woo. Which I think is in two weeks. The kids today dared Mr. Mike to kiss me....I think I need to have a chat with them about what is appropriate to joke about and what is taking it too far. I don't know why they won't let up. At least Ms. Emily is safe this week because Mr. Eric is gone ha ha. Lego Land tomorrow yay!

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