Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 20, 2011

So today was probably the best day of camp possible that there ever will be. I am so happy it happened. First of all, it was just a really good day with the kids and the were significantly less crazy than the previous two days. Second, I got to go to RITTER SPORT chocolate factory and make chocolate! This was a mini field trip, and since Emily has been on two and me none, it was my turn yay!!!!!!!!!! So we took 14 kids, Ms. B and I. She was a lot nicer when it was just us two, and had a good attitude for her until about the very end. So it wasn't like it could have been, for sure. On this tour, we learned how chocolate was made and then they had us mix our own ingredients in the chocolate sauce and pour it into a chocolate mold. I put stuff in mine that you don't normally put in chocolate like gummy bears, fruit snacks, etc....just because I can never buy an actual candy bar with that kind of stuff in it. Regardless. I poured that chocolate and then made my bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We then got to make like a case for them, it was so cool. I made one for dillon and decorated it all cute, although he won't like the chocolate much lol. The extra that we snapped off the bars after we took it out of the mold we got to eat. We also got to eat the leftovers in the bowl after we poured it into the mold. So....I had a tooooon of chocolate that day. At the end we went back to the center and had pretzels for snack. Then Elijah's parents, the Roy's picked me up and we went to HARRY POTTER! It started at 7:30, so we went to ice cream first and that was good. The theater was an English theater in Germany and it was so cute. There are trays in front of you, which is like genius so you don't spill. And then I tried this cola mix called Mezzo, which is like coke and orange fanta mixed together. It was super good. What a great day!

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