Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011

So, Today was our first field trip, and we went to Tripsdrill. It was really really awesome, and great to get out and do stuff with the kids that didn't involve the same environment. It was also quite a perk that my kids are actually big enough this time that I was able to go on roller coasters and stuff with them yay! There were only like two kids who didn't go on many of the rides, and that was more due to lack of interest than because of the height limits. Although now I have a horrible headache as a result and am probably going to have to go to bed early because I feel like I am passing out :/. Regardless, I thought the first field trip went really well. We did our blitz off performance to Footloose, and the kids did the little skit and dance I taught them. I thought that it was really adorable. We put a lot of effort into it, and I wish I could put up pictures of my kids and I performing it, I guess I'll just have to save that for in person. That was at the very beginning of our field trip. It only took us like an hour to get there. We went to ones that were much further away on my base last year. But I got a lot of my new book read. I tried to finish my Tom Clancey one that I was reading, and I just gave up about half way through. It was just not my thing. I think, as my mom also does, that his books are more directed towards males. It just lost me. But I found some mystery books in the hotel bookshelf and started reading one. It is pretty good so far, so I'm definitely not complaining! I'm glad I found something, because I am now halfway through my fourth book and its only week 3! I honestly had kind of forgotten how much I enjoy reading. School sometimes sucks the life out of things. Thankfully that hasn't happened with music yet. Anyways, After blitz off, we went into the park and split into three groups. I was in a group with Mr. Ismet, Ms. Anna and Mr. Mike were in a group, and Mr. Eric and Ms. Emily were in a group. I was kind of like really, out of everyone I get the one person I'd least like to be in a group with. Don't get me wrong, Ismet is nice, but the kids kind of trampel over him and he lets them get away with too much in my opinion, so I feel they have more behavioral problems with him. Destiny and Angel were causing the most problems. Angel is a seven year old who looks and acts like she is five. According to her, she is just a little girl, not a big girl, so she can still pout and cry and stuff. She actually has said that. She must get babied so much at home. But Destiny just whines a lot. I'm not sure quite why. But she refused to go on a lot of rides, and then some of the ones she went on she complained the entire time. This sounds mean, but I couldn't help but let out an evil laugh as she got cranked up right before the drop on the log ride and was screaming bloody murder and saying "Why did you let me on this ride, I don't want to do this ahhhhhh!!!!!" That kid man. Hopefully some stability will start getting through to them. We had tacos for lunch. The tacos that I have smelt cooking for like two days. And they were warm still! This base is so much better with food than they were in Atsugi. I haven't had one meal that I couldn't stomach to eat let alone something I didn't like. Yay! And they let us have seconds, which was like thank goodness. But yes, it was good. Snack at the end of the day was good too. It was like strawberries and cool whip and the strawberries were in this waffle cone bowl. All in all, it was awesome. I love my kids. Franci and Aiden were in my group also, two of my favorites so yay! And Khiya, who is my favorite girl, so double yay! Franci is now insisting that my boyfriend will not mind if he is also my romantic friend. That kid. Paris in two days yay! Tomorrow night I think Emily and I are going to go out to dinner with Eric and Mike. It will be nice to get away from the camp atmosphere and kick it. So tired. Might go to bed at like eight.... bye!

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