Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

Today was the first day back after a long weekend, and it was SOOOO hot! I can't even believe how hot it was. I felt like I was dying. My body needs time to adjust to these rapidly changing temperatures man, I can't handle it! But camp went well. Half of the kids went on a field trip, which was weird having only like ten kids. Its harder to keep fewer kids entertained than a lot. lol. Also, this field trip was a tour of the local opera house. sigh. I should have been proactiv and asked Emily to switch shifts with me so I could go on that tour. Boo. I didn't think of it until it was too late. Sigh. Oh well. The kids were cute, and everything seemed to go pretty well. Aiden is definitely becoming my favorite kid, and I hope he stays all summer. On our like half an hour walk to and from the gym, he was telling me all about Call of Duty black ops or whatever and how he plays it, exactly. It was super cute, and it reminded me of when Jayquin and Nikolas would hold my hand last summer and tell me about their lives lol. Aiden is just adorable. He always sits by me and lays his head on my shoulder or knee, and he wants to hold hands, but it is like linked fingers holding hands. He cracks me up. I think he is Ms. Trish's, one of the full time staff, favorite too. My favorite today was when he told me that I should show up to work early next time so that I could go on the field trip with them. Then he patted me on the back and said, its always good to show up early for work. I about died it was so adorable. Kids like him make me remember why I do camp :)

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