Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 24, 2011

Today was the first Friday of Camp!!!! I thought that it was really fun. Although the weather was quite cold. They had to cancel splash day, which is basically just like a water thing they do every friday because of the weather. I was secretly really glad because I didn't bring clothes to change into. Things were a little weird because we skipped blitz, which is like unheard of in normal camp. But here, they did pt, which is like physical training or something, for like an hour and a half again, and then there just wasn't time. They also mixed all the clubs up during the day and didn't follow the schedule. But whatever, I can't really complain. I got to be in two clubs that ate food. The cooking club made fruit kebobs and then this like butter rum from harry potter, which is just cream soda with butterscotch ice cream syrup in it. It was pretty good I thought. Then later I was in the science club, which made ice cream in this giant round ball looking thing. It was really good vanilla ice cream actually. I was quite surprised. Then later on in the day, the dance club that has been practicing all week performed their dance. The kids are so darn cute, I about die each time they practice the dance, although after a whole week of hearing the same two songs over and over, I'm about ready to be done with these and have them move on to new ones. The girls made up a dance, and the boys made up a dance. Both of them were surprisingly good for being self led, and some of the kids are very talented dancers. The boys did a serious version of their dance and a funny version. omg. The funny version Juan was like riding on a toy horse carrying a baby doll on his shoulders, and then they would like come down into the audience and throw puppets at eachother. The best was when Juan had on a puppet of a beaver on one hand and a raccoon on the other, and he had them attacking him on the stage. We laughed so hard. Then now I am home packing for the weekend. It is going to be a really long night. My right foot is pretty sore, but at least I got to take my shot today, so tomorrow should be better. Night! Talk again after Salzburg! Train leaves at 6:00 :/

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