Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 28, 2011

So, today is what I will stay extremely, extremely crazy. I cannot believe how insane the kids were. The weather was kind of nuts as well. I think it was around like ninety degrees from what I heard. We would take the kids out, but then they would get hot so fast they would whine and we would go in. So they had all this pent up energy and were going absolutely insane. I did not even know what to do with them. All of us camp A staff and permanent staff were getting super fed up, and the kids wouldn't listen. I would equal it to something like cabin fever I would think. I love my kids, but today is one of those days where I was like, why am I doing camp again?! But I still love them regardless, and I am hoping tomorrow will be better. Oh yes, and our air conditioning was broken. I spent like thirty minutes cleaning off this nasty fan. Sigh, At least it got the air moving. They set up like eight or so fans all together until the air conditioning gets fixed. Hopefully soon. And I have quite a lovely watch tan line coming in. Lol. That's about all that is new with me. Til tomorrow!

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