Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17, 2011

Well, thank goodness, Today was finally our last day of training!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is really one of the most amazing things possible. The time at our actual sites was nice because we got to see where we will be working and stuff. I finally got foundation, yay! But boo on spending more money. Our facility is pretty small, and there aren't that many kids, but it seems like it will turn out to be really good I would think. One girl I met is named Melissa, and she thought it was cool that our names rhymed. When I showed her how my name was spelled on my nametag, she was like, "No one spells their name with a Y, it is better with an I like mine." and then she said, "And who uses two ss's these days anyways." It was just so adorable. She kept coming up and hugging me, even though we weren't even interacting with the kids at all, but just making posters and doing programming. I was sad to find out she is doing camp on Patch base though, since that is where her dad works or something like that. Oh well. There will be more adorable kids who are just as friendly and welcoming on Monday! I am so excited to finally be with the kids. Tonight all of us counselors just went out and hung out off base, which was really fun. It is only like eleven thirty now, and I am so incredibly tired. I don't know how I am going to last with these long hours all summer :/. I might have to get used to caffeine or something ha ha. It is official! We are going to Austria next weekend to go to Salzberg. And also possibly spend one day in this other city close by that has parasailing or something like that. We will see. Whatever happens, it is gunna be super fun!!!!!!

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