Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

Today was a hard day I will say. I just kind of woke up on the wrong side of the bed after I had a dream about Dillon and during this dream I fell and effed up my mouth, and therefore had to go to the hospital to fix my mouth. Yes. Not a fun dream. My subconscious just doesn't leave me alone sometimes. Anyways, that was hard. My mustache and high class outfit for the high class mustache bash I will say was quite awesome. I had slacks and a nice shirt, and had my hair curled. I also popped out the lenses from my 3D glasses and drew on an amazing mustache with my mascara. It looked pretty real too. The best part was walking to the bus and then from the bus to the SAC center. The people were all for sure doing double takes and like what the heck looks. The best was probably when the CDC bus drove by since they were going on a field trip, and all of these little kids were like pointing out of the windows of the bus and staring. It was fun judging all of the kids and their mustaches and stuff. There were paper ones, and ones drawn on. So awesome. The rest of the day kind of went downhill from there. 17 of the kids went on a field trip to some ice caves or something. Hiking plus me = no fun, so Emily went on that one. And there were only like 13 kids left, and there were like five of us staff there. So Ms. B (and we still know what that stands for) and then Ms. Anna were working on rinsing out all of the tie die shirts. We all assumed they finished them. Def not. We find out like at the end of the day when Ms. B was leaving that they didn't finish them. So Mike and I took some of the kids over to finish rinsing and rerinsing the shirts. The ones they had done weren't really done well anyways sigh. They had set all the shirts they had done in a huge bin. Like the worst idea ever. the die got all crazy and mixed and stuff grrr..... and there were still SOOOO many shirts that they had not done at all. I ended up staying for two hours with Mary beth and Cody washing out all these shirts and placing them in separate bags so that they could not be mixed anymore before they were washed in the washing machine. Ms. Anna like chided me for using so many bags because they are so expensive and blah blah blah. Sorry I took so long of my day to do this. Geez. And its like what the heck. You could have finished this like we all thought you did or said something when there was enough staff and few enough kids that we could FINISH IT! I was soooo mad. And better, no one saved me a cookie from snack. So i ate snack at the Youth center, which i'm not really supposed to do. Corrie walked in on it, but at least she didn't say anything. Then afterwards Anna took all of the no name extra shirts I had put in separate bags and mixed them all together again. Not cool. SO MAD! At least after work Gaby and Juan's mom took Emily and I to Tobingen, which is a little town near Stuttgart. It looked like what I would picture an oldtime, old fashioned town in germany looking like. It was amazing. I wish my camera battery would have lasted longer. And she also took us to get dinner. We ended up having Doner Kebab, which is like shaved lamb in bread with sauce and cucumbers and stuff. It is like Turkish or something. We ended up being late coming back to our Manditory fun night thing. We did the thing like last year where all the directors contacted that families and tried to get packages sent for a secret christmas thing. Unfortunately Emily's family never got back, so I spent the last couple of days putting together a package for her. I got he kids to secretly sign a card for her and had a group photo. We did white elephant gifts too, and I got this like head massager. We are also now playing assassain with socks like we did last year at camp. Yes, most of these were my ideas. I feel like though I wasn't completely let in on all of the planning for this night, and that also pisses me off. Ok.....attitude check. I will get my person for sure. Ok. I am going to go to bed now since it is really really late and i have to be up so early for my field trip tomorrow!

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