Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 15, 2011

Today was the first day of our last week. WOW I can't believe how incredibly and sadly fast time has gone. It is so weird thinking back to 10 weeks ago when we were first getting our instiliation passes on that first monday. Wow. It was an ok day. There were a lot of new kids, which as you know isn't my favorite. I like the kids that I know and love. Oh well. We just did normal stuff. One of the fun things we did was work on super hero costumes for tuesday. SOOOo excited for superhero day. Its going to be awesome! There were tons of kids, and like no staff. Idk where Corrie was all day. It was so lame. Good day overall though. Aiden started making me a friendship bracelet. He kept telling me all day how much he was going to miss me. He came up to me, and was like..."ms. Caryssa, I'm a little nervous." What I asked. "What if you forget about me?" I started tearing up. "I'm never ever going to forget about you, Aiden. Ever." then he said, "and I'm worried about something else too. What if I forget about you? My memory is usually only good for about a year." I was crying by this point. Also during snack, we were having a mix of fruit. And i was like, awesome! Ms. Corrie put everything amazing in it. he was like, "even you?" That kid man. I would do anything to be with him always. I love him to death.

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