Monday, August 15, 2011

August 12, 2011

today was the second to last friday of camp.... so sad. The day went pretty smoothly. This was Kiara's actual last day. It was extremely sad. I did pretty good all day with this, and so did she. We had a heart to heart near the end of the day, and I told her about the plusses and minuses about going home and stuff. I think it helped her. At closing I almost had a breakdown and teared up a lot, but kept it pretty together. Mostly because Ms. Anna was being a jerk and was like really ragging on all of the people who were crying, which was quite a few of the kids. Sooooo sad. I don't know why she was being a jerk. As soon as we got back inside after going out for closing though, I had to step out of the room. I was crying really hard for a little bit and then a lot of the other kids who were crying got sent to the bathroom by Anna to clean up, and I saw them on their way. Kiara and I hugged and I told her that God was going to be with her on her journey in life. Then I was off work, and I got picked up by the Roys to go to dinner and then Planet of the Apes. It was a really really good movie, and I really enjoyed it for sure! Then came back, talked to mom for a bit and got ready to GO OUT! We had so much fun downtown. The girls from patch brought a dude from their work, Mr. Jacob, and Mr. Mike met up with us at like midnight. I guess he tried to find us at 11 when we said we would be at La'Oasis, the first place we went, but he didn't see us for some reason even though we were the only people there. Weird. But at least he met up with us. I didn't drink that much, but we all ended up staying out til like six or so dancing and stuff. It was for sure just awesome! The second place we went after La'Oasis was sooooo hot that I was literally completely drenched in sweat and I couldn't handle it so we left that place. The next place was called like Proton or something, and we ended up like dancing downstairs where the floor like lit up. It was pretty cool. Good good night

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